COLIN allred: Radical pro-Abortion extremist
Colin Allred is a radical extremist who wants to remove all restrictions on abortion.
- Allred voted against a motion to recommit H.R. 2339 to provide life-saving medical care for newborn babies who survived an abortion.
- Allred voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, a bill that would require a health practitioner to “exercise the same degree of care as would reasonably be provided to any other child born alive at the same age.” Allred’s press release after the vote stated that the bill “would impose unnecessary restrictions on doctors.”
- Colin Allred voted for the 2021¹ and 2022² Women’s Health Protection Act, which could remove many restrictions on abortions and allow abortions up to the moment of birth.
- Allred voted yes on Mark Pocan’s amendment to HR 2740, the “four-bill” appropriations package for FY20, blocking the Trump administration from restricting taxpayer-funded research involving fetal tissue.
- Colin Allred voted against the Rep. Tom Cole amendment to H.R. 2740. The amendment to this spending bill sought to uphold “conscience protections,” to prevent healthcare providers that hold personal beliefs against abortion from having to perform them.

Colin Allred’s Values
Aren’t Texas Values!
1117th Congress, Roll Call Vote 295, September 24, 2021
2117th Congress, Roll Call Vote 360, July 15, 2022